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Nose Allergy Symptoms and Treatments

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Nose Allergy: Symptoms and Treatments

Nasal allergies ( Nose Allergy ), commonly known as allergic rhinitis, is a common condition characterized by swelling and irritation of the nose, usually caused by allergy. This condition is accompanied by various symptoms and has many causes. Here’s a comprehensive overview of Nose Allergy Symptoms and Treatments, including causes, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment, and management. Here is detailed information on this topic:

Nose Allergy Symptoms and Treatments - PDM Hospital

What is Allergic Rhinitis?

Allergic rhinitis is a condition in which the membranes of the nose become swollen due to allergies and the inflammation is accompanied by irritation, itching, and increased mucus production. This is usually caused by exposure to pollen, dust, pet dander, or mold. When our immune system reacts to allergens, it causes allergy symptoms in the nose, eyes, ears and throat.

Types of Allergic Rhinitis

  • Seasonal Allergic Rhinitis:
      • We see its signs when the weather changes, when winter season, autumn or rainy season comes, when strong winds blow, the winds bring a lot of dust particles due to which we get allergic rhinitis.
      • Even when the harvesting season is going on, there are a lot of dust particles in the air. which affect our nose, ears, throat.
  • Perennial Allergic Rhinitis:
    • These remain throughout the year, and occur when dust particles fly while sweeping the house or feeding animals.
    • Hair coming inside the mouth while eating food or playing with animals, drinking dirty water can also cause allergies.


  • Nasal Symptoms:
      • Runny Nose
      • Blocked Nose
      • Itchy Nose
      • Sneezing
  • Non-Nasal Symptoms:
    • Itchy, Red, or Watery Eyes
    • Itchy Throat or Ears
    • Coughing due to post-nasal drip
    • Fatigue and Irritability

Causes and Triggers

    • Pollen: Are produced from trees, grass and weeds.
    • Dust Mites: dust and small particles in the house.
    • Pet Dander: pet hair, skin particles and saliva.
    • Mold: Spores produced by fungi that grow in moist areas.
    • Cockroach Droppings: Allergy caused by cockroach body and feces.
    • Irritants: Like smoke, strong smell and pollution.


  • Medical History: The doctor examines your medical and allergy history.
  • Physical Examination: The nose and throat are examined.
  • Allergy Testing: The causes of allergies are identified through skin tests or blood tests.

Treatment and Management

    1. Medications:
      • Antihistamines: Helps reduce itching, sneezing and runny nose.
      • Nasal Corticosteroids: Reduce swelling and congestion. Usually prescribed for moderate to severe symptoms.
      • Decongestants: To reduce nasal congestion.
      • Nasal Irrigation: Saline nasal spray that helps flush out allergens and mucus from the nasal passages.
    1. Immunotherapy:
      • When medications do not provide sufficient relief, immunotherapy may be used. As the amount of allergy gradually increases, the sensitivity of the body reduces.
    2. Lifestyle and Home Remedies:
      • Reduce dust and allergens by regularly cleaning floors, upholstery, and bedding.
      • Use a HEPA filter to prevent allergens from entering the air.
      • Maintain optimal indoor humidity to prevent dry nasal passages.
    3. Avoidance:
      • House cleaning and dust control. If you are allergic to pets, keep them away from home. Avoid going outside on high pollen days.

When to See a Doctor

If left untreated, allergic rhinitis can lead to serious complications such as sinusitis or asthma. Persistent symptoms can affect quality of life. If symptoms are severe, persistent, or not effectively managed with over-the-counter treatments. If allergies interfere with daily activities, sleep or work. Such as frequent sinus infections, asthma symptoms, or chronic nasal congestion.

Get Personalized Care for Your Nose Allergy

At PDM Homeopathy hospital, we understand that each person has different health needs. Our dedicated and experienced team of Doctors is here to provide personalized care and effective homeopathy treatment as per your specific condition. Start your treatment of Nose Allegry with us today. Call – 9050077755 or visit – PDM Hospital.