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1. Anti miasmatic & Constitutional Approach
2. Customized PDM Treatment Protocol
3. Prescribing Medicines with Proven Result protocol
4. Research Collabration with PDM Expert Team
5. 1 Lakh + cured patients Case study
6. Continous Research and Development with Central Research Team
PDM Group की 26+ Branch हरियाणा और राजस्थान में अपनी सेवाएं दे रही हैं, अगर आप अपने city में open करना चाहते हैं तो ,Apply करें
One Time investment - lifetime Earning
Earn up to 5 lakh Per Month
✅ 25 lakh+ (Includes all A to Z exp)
✅Any Person Age 21+ (BHMS or Business Man)
✅ 1000+ Sq Feet Area
✅Parking Space for 5-7 cars
✅Ground Floor or 1st flour or Semi Basement
✅बना बनाया Setup-Turn key Project
✅Traning for Doctor & Staff
✅All Material and stock used in OPD
✅Support from PDM Head office
1. High Class interior
2. Marketing For Patient inflow
3. Uniform Exterior for all branhces
4. Learning Curve 27+ Branches
5. 130k+ Social Media Reach
Because of no proper Training and Guidance related to Homeopathy Practice. BHMS Doctor started job in Allopathy Hospitals.
अधिकतर BHMS Doctor आजकल TPA Sector के अंदर Documentation and Complaince related work करते हैं
Homeopathy में Allopathy की तरह बड़े Hospitals नहीं हैं इसलिए Practice के Platform Limited हैं।
Anti miasmatic and Constitutional Remedies Training by Centralised Research Team.
New Patient Inflow via Centralised Marketing Team. Having experience of 26+ successful Franchise.
World class, uniform infrastructure of all branches via PDM Architect. Interior, Exterior via CPV Sheets.
From Patient in to Patient out defined operational process. All problems have one solution i.e PDM Jaipur
Materia Medica and Repertory को बार बार पढ़ने के बाद भी Patient ठीक नहीं हो पा रहे हैं
Medicine व उसकी potency का चुनाव नहीं कर पा रहे हैं
Results ना होने के कारण नए / पुराने Patient कम आ रहे हैं
Proper Case Taking Format नहीं हैं
Doctor Practice Problem – PDM Franchise Solution
Tick out only relevant point in given format . Helps in choosing right medicine with right symptoms.
Potency और medicine का चुनाव - Anti Miasmatic and Constitutional Remedies Approach. This is PDM Advance Homeopathy.
Handle OPD and apply your gained knowledge in Doctor Cabin.
Experience the power of PDM Marketing team (बर्मास्त्र )
No need of long consultation with patient. Invest only average 2 minutes per patient in Doctor Cabin.
Drive PDM Franchise and Sky is the Limit !!
PDM होम्योपैथी हॉस्पिटल की शुरुआत 2016 में Dr. Ritu Choudhary & Dr. Sachin Choudhary द्वारा की गई। Graduated (BHMS,MD) From MPK Homeopathy University Jaipur. अभी हम घर बैठे ऑनलाइन इलाज और हरियाणा,राजस्थान के अलग अलग शहरों में अपनी ब्रांचेज के माध्यम से सेवाएं दे रहे हैं |