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Eye Allergy : Symptoms and Treatments

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Eye Allergy : Symptoms and Treatments

Eye allergies are a common problem that can cause the eyes to become red, itchy and watery. This allergy is usually caused by exposure to pollen, dust, smoke or any other irritating substance. It is also called “conjunctivitis”. From this article you will get complete information about eye allergy and its symptoms and treatments.

Eye Allergy : Symptoms and Treatments - PDM Hospital

What is Eye Allergy?

Eye allergies, also known as allergic conjunctivitis, occur when the eyes come in contact with an allergen, causing symptoms such as redness, itching, and watering of the eyes. This condition is caused by the body’s immune system overreacting to allergens.

Types of Eye Allergies:

    • Allergic Conjunctivitis:
          • Seasonal Allergic Rhinitis:
            • We see its signs when the weather changes, when winter season, autumn or rainy season comes, when strong winds blow, the winds bring a lot of dust particles due to which we get allergic rhinitis.
            • Even when the harvesting season is going on, there are a lot of dust particles in the air. which affect our nose, ears, throat.


      • Perennial Allergic Rhinitis:
        • These remain throughout the year, and occur when dust particles fly while sweeping the house or feeding animals.
        • Hair coming inside the mouth while eating food or playing with animals, drinking dirty water can also cause allergies.


  • Vernal Keratoconjunctivitis:
    • A chronic form of allergic conjunctivitis often seen in children and young adults, characterized by severe itching, tearing, and thick mucus.


  • Atopic Keratoconjunctivitis:
    • A more severe form that often accompanies atopic dermatitis, leading to chronic inflammation and irritation of the eyes.
  • Giant Papillary Conjunctivitis:
    • Associated with the use of contact lenses, it involves the formation of large bumps on the inside of the eyelids.


  • Itching: Persistent itching of the eyes and surrounding areas.
  • Redness: Blood vessels in the eyes become inflamed and red.
  • Watery Discharge: Excessive tearing or clear, watery discharge from the eyes.
  • Swelling: Swelling of the eyelids or conjunctiva (the thin membrane covering the white part of the eye).
  • Burning Sensation: There is severe burning and frequent itching in the eyes.
  • Watery eyes allergies: Excessive tearing is a common response to allergens.

Eye Allergy : Symptoms and Treatments - PDM Hospital


  1. Pollen: From dust particles, plant particles.
  2. Dust Mites: Dust particles while cleaning house.
  3. Pet Dander: Tiny flakes of skin and hair from animals like cats and dogs.
  4. Mold Spores: Mold growing in damp areas can release airborne spores.
  5. Smoke and Pollution: Irritants in the air can aggravate allergies.


To diagnose eye allergies, a healthcare provider may:

  • Take a Medical History: Review symptoms and potential allergen exposures.
  • Perform a Physical Exam: Examine the eyes for signs of redness, swelling, and discharge.
  • Conduct Allergy Testing: Skin tests or blood tests to identify specific allergens.

Treatment and Management:

  1. Avoidance:
    • Minimize Exposure: Avoid known allergens as much as possible.
    • Use Air Purifiers: To reduce allergens in the home environment.
  2. Medications:
    • Antihistamines: Oral antihistamines or eye drops to stop watery eyes to reduce allergic reactions.
    • Decongestant Eye Drops: To relieve redness and swelling (short-term use recommended).
    • Mast Cell Stabilizers: Eye drops that prevent the release of histamine and other chemicals.
    • Corticosteroids: Prescription eye drops for severe cases (under medical supervision).
  3. Home Remedies:
    • Cold Compresses: Applying a cool, damp cloth to closed eyes to reduce swelling and discomfort.
    • Artificial Tears: Over-the-counter lubricating eye drops to wash away allergens and soothe dryness.
  4. Lifestyle Adjustments:
    • Keep Windows Closed: During high pollen seasons.
    • Wash Hands and Face: Frequently, especially after being outdoors.
    • Change Pillowcases and Bedding Regularly: To reduce exposure to dust mites.

When to See a Doctor:

If left untreated, Eye allergic can lead to serious complications . Persistent symptoms can affect quality of life. If symptoms are severe, persistent, or not effectively managed with over-the-counter treatments. If allergies interfere with daily activities, sleep or work. Such as frequent sinus infections, asthma symptoms, or chronic Eye Allergy.

Get Personalized Care for Your Eyes Allergy

At PDM Homeopathy hospital, we understand that each person has different health needs. Our dedicated and experienced team of Doctors is here to provide personalized care and effective homeopathy treatment as per your specific condition. Start your treatment of Eyes Allegry with us today. Call – 9050077755 or visit – PDM Hospital.